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Waterloo Retreat Website

Waterloo Summer Retreat, "Renewal 2022"

Saturday, June 25, 2022.

We, as a community, went through COVID 19 pandemic together but at a physical distance.

While we longed for mutual learning and nurturing through fellowship, we were also patient and resilient to wait for the time we could safely meet with each other. Now is the time for us to responsibly and cautiously start the second half of 2022 with the theme of "renewal."

During this retreat, we will explore ways to renew and rejuvenate ourselves individually and at the same time together as a community. The time of communal worship, praise, and prayer will provide us warmth and strength of the Holy Spirit, which sustains our life on earth. The time of spiritual activities and yoga will focus on individual relationships with the creator and all other living beings on earth. Renewal is for us individually and communally. We will immerse ourselves in the blessings of renewal during this retreat. We welcome anyone of any religious or cultural background who wants to join this spiritual retreat of renewal.

(*Most of the retreat program will be outdoor on the church lawn. Please bring your own blanket, yoga mat, or lawn chair.)

Register here by June 18th!


9:45 – 10:10: Arriving (breakfast will be ready in the parish house)

10:10 – 10:30: Morning devotion

10:30 – 11:30: Praise and Spiritual Activity 1

11:30 – 12:00: Yoga (with instructor Laura Murphy – you may choose to opt-out this session)

12:00 – 1:00: Lunch and Communion (bring your own lunch bag)

1:00 – 2:00: Praise and Spiritual Activity 2

2:00 – 2:30: Fellowship


2:30 – 3:00: Closing worship


  • When is the retreat? Saturday, June 25, 2022 9:45am to 3:00pm.

  • What time should I be there? Between 9:45 and 10:10 for registration and breakfast.

  • What if I have to come a little late or leave a little early? Please feel free to come and go as you need to.

  • What should I bring? Blanket, yoga mat, or lawn chair with your hope for renewal! 

  • What and where is Waterloo Village? Waterloo Village is part of the Allamuchy State Park in Byram NJ. Please see the directions to get there. We will gather on our church lawn outside of our parish building 

  • What will I be doing at the retreat? The retreat will consist of praise, meditation, yoga, and spiritual activities.

  • Do I have to be religious? No, the retreat is a spiritual experience that is helpful to those across many many religions or none at all.

  • What should I wear? Dress to be comfortable and participate in yoga if you choose to.

  • What is the cost of registration? Absolutely free!

More questions? Contact Pastor Junehee at

Here are some descriptions of past retreats:

Finding Meaning in Life


Saturday, March 10, 2018


We each go through seasons of life. Depending on that season, we are caregivers or care receivers, workers or retired, children or parents, full housers or empty nesters, single or in relationships, all trying to find balance and meaning in our lives. Sometimes seasons are extremely busy and other times we find ourselves with too much time on our hands. We sometimes feel like this is not the life we had envisioned, not the impact we had planned, not the garden we had hoped to be planted in and now are having trouble blooming. During the retreat we re-examined that beautiful canvas we have been given and assess the colors and contours of the art that is your life.

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Websites by Emily  @ 2017

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